*Baby Believer Board Books
Theologically solid Baby Believer series is a beautiful way to introduce littles to Scripture and church doctrine.
From Eden to Bethlehem by Danielle Hitchen, illustrated by Jessica Blanchard. Harvest Kids, 2018, unpaged.
We Believe by Danielle Hitchen, illustrated by Jessica Blanchard. Harvest Kids, 2020, unpaged.
Cover image of We Believe
Reading Level: Board books, ages 0-4
Recommended For: Ages 0-4
My first introduction to Hitchen and Blanchard’s theologically solid series for little hands and short attention spans was Psalms of Praise. We used it regularly when I was co-teaching the preschool Sunday School class, because the children’s innate wiggles needed an outlet before the Bible story.
Psalms of Praise consists of verbs taken directly from the book of Psalms, along with the verse the action is derived from. Running, kneeling, clapping, jumping, sitting, lying down…the psalmist knew how to engage both his mind and his body in worship! So can children.
I’ve seen a few of the other books in the series, and am pleased with all of them. Each is a concept book that is clearly linked with Scripture, a simple introduction to the Truth with enough spiritual depth to set these apart from typical nursery board books. Counting, animals, basic anatomy, emotions and opposites are represented through the series.
Cover image of From Eden to Bethlehem
From Eden to Bethlehem includes specific animals who play a role in Biblical history and prophecy (the cow is a bit of a stretch, but that’s okay) along with a simple redemptive narrative. (It would have been exciting to end with a dragon from Revelation, but oh well!)
The most recent title is We Believe, an alphabet book drawn from the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds, numerous texts of Scripture, and traditional language including “Kyrie Eleison” and “Eucharist.” Do littles understand words like ascension and incarnation? Not yet. They will eventually. Introducing language with such appealing illustrations is an excellent tool.
Blanchard’s artwork is gorgeous. Simple, rich, and colorful, they enhance the text beautifully and provide visual interpretation whenever possible. I love the palette she used.
These are ideal baby gifts or additions to a home or church library. Highly recommended.
Overall Rating: 5 out of 5
Worldview/Moral Rating: 5 out of 5Literary/Artistic Rating: 5 out of 5Related Reading From Redeemed Reader:
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Two of these books were provided free from the author in return for a fair review.
The post *Baby Believer Board Books appeared first on Redeemed Reader.