
Faith, Fiction, & Fellowship, Week 2: Let’s Discuss!

Ladies, are you enjoying your chosen books for our Faith, Fiction, & Fellowship read-along?

Faith, Fiction, & Fellowship Discussion, Week 2

If you’ve purchased the official reading guide, you’ll have plenty of questions to help you think about the themes and connections in the books. But to help get the conversation going, here are a couple of week two’s questions that work for any of the books. (Feel free to answer in the comment section! We’re also going to dive into these in the Facebook group for the read-along.)

Question 1:

The book of Ruth begins with grief and mourning. How do Ruth and Naomi grieve? What are the safety nets put in place for widows in biblical times? How does Ruth “sit in the dust and ashes” with Naomi?

All of the fiction books touch on mourning/death and this week’s Closer Than a Sister chapter is all about mourning with our sisters. Heavy stuff, but so important for the body of Christ to wrestle with!

(This is actually question 1 if you have the reading guide)

Question 2:

What are some ways online friends cannot mourn with us the way a sister in the church can? How do are the flesh-and-blood relationships in your book better than a social media network? How is it harder to be a real life sister/friend to someone who is mourning than it is online? (based on Closer Than a Sister)

(this is actually question 3 if you have the reading guide)

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Let us know which book you’re reading and enjoying!
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