*Hosanna in Excelsis by David and Barbara Leeman
Sing a new song every day of Advent with Hosanna in Excelsis, an Advent devotional that offers a different Christmas hymn each day of Advent.
*Hosanna in Excelsis: Hymns and Devotions for the Christmas Season by David and Barbara Leeman. Moody, 2020. 128 pages.
Reading Level: Adult
Recommended For: All ages (families, schools, churches, etc.)
Christmas hymns and traditional carols are among some of the most beloved songs in our sacred music tradition. Hosanna in Excelsis offers a magnificent collection of these beloved songs—some of which will be new to you and your family. Beginning with the first day of Advent, there is one song for each day until Epiphany (January 6). The Leemans have factored in the changing dates of the first day of Advent and provided more than enough hymns to take a family through the longest the season will extend! A simple melody line and verses as they might appear in a hymnal (instead of as a poem) will help families sing both the familiar and unfamiliar carols. Each song is accompanied by a short introduction to both the text and the tune; a short devotional follows. The Leemans describe their work thus:
These songs are like a picture album of the story of our blessed Lord Jesus. From them, you can treasure the amazing events that surround His birth. You can ponder them as each hymn writer unfolds a slightly different picture or perspective. You can more deeply think about what they mean to you today than you can in the midst of a service or concert of Christmas music.
Whether you follow the church calendar or not, this book offers a rich collection of songs, hymns, and spiritual songs that point to Jesus. Take time to slow down, remember and reflect, and “sing a new song to the Lord.” The Leemans have gathered music from more than 1500 years into one volume (“Of the Father’s Love Begotten” from the 4th century all the way to “Fullness of Grace” by the Gettys who are contemporary hymn writers). The book is a nicely bound hardback with a bookmark; it will hold up well to repeated use year after year. Highly recommended!
Overall Rating: 5 out of 5
Worldview/Moral Rating: 5 out of 5Literary/Artistic Rating: 5 out of 5*Indicates a starred review
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