Outlaws of Time Series by N. D. Wilson
Wilson’s Outlaws of Time series is intense, time travel fun with plenty of action and philosophy thrown in. Great for young teens.
Outlaws of Time Series by N. D. Wilson. Katherine Tegen Books.
The Legend of Sam Miracle (2017)The Song of Glory and Ghost (2018)The Last of the Lost Boys (2018)Reading Level: Teens, ages 12-15
Recommended For: Teens, ages 12-15
Sam Miracle has strange dreams, dreams of other times and places. But they feel so real, and he dreams them while still awake! Turns out, they are real, or could be. Since time is relative, anything can happen—and does, sometimes more than once. Sam ends up an outlaw in the Wild West with snakes grafted onto his arms by a man (Father Tiempo) who ends up being a friend his own age in the future. And Glory Hallelujah is a sidekick like no other, wielding and shaping time while Sam battles super villains.
Snakes grafted onto arms, time travel and parallel worlds, and shapeshifters (yee naaldlooshii) and goddesses (Tzitzimime) from Aztec mythology combine in another epic series from N. D. Wilson. As with Wilson’s other epics, the villains are super villains, stopping at nothing to gain power. Sam and Glory are a perfect team, heroes in every sense of the word as they battle their own fear and uncertainty in order to save the world from the very present evil it faces. A complex fantasy that demands the reader’s attention from page one, Outlaws of Time offers action and philosophy rolled into an exciting package.
Relativity and time are very “meta” and should prompt some interesting discussions!Some of the scenes are violent and bloody, although the ending is superb.Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Worldview/Moral Rating: 4.75 out of 5Literary/Artistic Rating: 4.25 out of 5Related Reading From Redeemed Reader
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