
*The Friend Who Forgives by Dan Dewitt

In The Friend Who Forgives, we read about impatient, impetuous Peter and his faithful, forgiving friend Jesus.

*The Friend Who Forgives: A True Story About how Peter Failed and Jesus Forgave (Tales that Tell the Truth) by Dan Dewitt and illustrated by Catalina Echeverri. The Good Book Company, 2018. 32 pages.

Reading Level: Ages 4-8Recommended For: Ages 0-10

Do you ever have a hard time keeping your temper? Watching carefully over what you say? What about making hasty decisions you later regret? Peter can empathize! In The Friend Who Forgives, Dewitt draws out Peter’s somewhat volatile personality and contrasts it with Jesus who forgives–even when Peter denies him three times! Woven throughout this retelling are gentle reminders that we should also be looking to Jesus for forgiveness. We are all like Peter.

As always, we appreciate Echeverri’s vibrant illustrations, particularly because they present a more nuanced picture of Middle Eastern characters than the often stark white representations in Bible storybooks.

*indicates a starred review

Overall Rating: 4.75/5

Moral/Worldview Rating: 5/5Literary/Artistic Rating: 4.5/5Related Reading from Redeemed Reader:

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