
The Homework Squad’s ADHD Guide to School Success by Joshua Shifrin

The “Homework Squad” shows attention-challenged students how to study smarter.

The Homework Squad’s ADHD Guide to School Success by Joshua Shifrin, PhD, illustrated by Tracy Bishop. Imagination Press, 2021, 131 pages.

Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 8-10

Recommended for: Ages 8-14

ADHD may not be an official diagnosis, but all kids have trouble focusing from time to time. (My mind wanders to this day.) Four friends with the same problem banded together to practice study skills and find out what works best for them. Their sponsor Dr. Shiflin had plenty of exposure to ADHD kids, so he was able to guide and make suggestions. Now Hunter, Mateo, Michael, and Prisha are here to share what they learned.

That’s the story—not very likely, perhaps, but the books is chock-full of tips and tricks for improving study skills and working smarter. Many are familiar but worth a review. Most are specific to various disciplines: reading, math, writing, listening, note-taking, memorization, etc. Each chapter ends with Journal Prompts for reviewing and re-evaluating what you’ve learned.

Some suggestions you may disagree with (I disagree with taking notes on a laptop.) But the Squad is up front with the fact that not every tip will work for everybody. The friendly presentation and firm but gentle follow-up should help motivated students improve. How to motivate the unmotivated is a question for another day. But all students should learn how to study—a topic most schools never address.

Overall Rating: 4 (out of 5)

Worldview/moral value: 3.5Practical value: 4.5

Read more about our ratings here.                 

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