
Three Picture Books illustrated by Jessica Linn Evans

Three new picture books from small publishers, perfect for young readers (and listeners). All are illustrated by Jessica Linn Evans, but the authors differ.

Penguin Sets Sail by Jessica Linn Evans. Rainstorm Publishing, 2020.

Wordless books should invite young readers and storytellers to tell the story while allowing for some editorial additions. Penguin Sets Sail delivers. Young readers will be able to narrate the surface story from the first reading, but they will undoubtedly notice more details on a second pass through. Penguin does indeed set sail, but the story is also about his dreams, his friends, and their communication with one another. Evans’s use of panels and different perspectives add much to the story. We recommend the board book edition because it will hold up to repeated readings better! Recommended for ages 0-8.

Little Mouse Finds a Friend by Jeni Leidenfrost and illustrated by Jessica Lynn Evans. Jovial Press, 2018.

Little Mouse is big brother to several little sisters; he wishes he had a friend other than this sisters. When he stumbles upon a squishy green caterpillar, he promptly decides that the caterpillar is his new friend/pet. Inevitably, the caterpillar goes the way of all caterpillars and turns into a … well, you’ll have to read it to find out. This large format picture book won’t work as well on a digital platform. Cute illustrations, factual information mixed into the story, and a sweet ending make for a solid addition to a picture book library. Recommended for ages 4-8.

Waiting Through Winter by Jason Farley and illustrated by Jessica Linn Evans. Jovial Press, 2015.

Bears’ hibernation is a popular picture book subject, but Evans’s illustrations and Farley’s poetry offer a sweet new addition. The text is more poetic than most rhyming picture books, and Evans’s vivid, childlike illustrations complement Farley’s poetry well. Children will enjoy hearing this one read more than once. Recommended for ages 0-8.

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