
*William’s House by Ginger Howard

Wouldn’t it make sense that a house built in the style of a home in England would work just as well in America?

*William’s House by Ginger Howard, illustrated by Larry Day. Millbrook Press, 2001. 32 pages.

Reading Level: Picture books, Ages 4-8

Recommended For: Ages 4-8

Wouldn’t it make sense to think that a house built in the style of a home in England would work just as well in America? This is a fascinating look at how one family had to adjust their expectations.

In 1637, William plans to build a house in New England for his family like the one his father built in England. But over the course of the year, modifications like a different roof and a bigger fireplace are necessary to accommodate the different weather and environment. Finally, the house becomes home.

This is a book I couldn’t stop thinking about and had to track down a second time. I love the illustrations and the practical considerations of how weather and available resources would affect one significant aspect of a family’s life, and how thoughtful perseverance and hard-work led to a wisely-built home.

Overall Rating: 4.75

Literary/Artistic Rating: 5

Worldview Rating: 4.5

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