
1 Tip: Loving as our Greatest Calling

Valentine’s Day was super hard for me. Isn’t it horrible when what America has deemed a dream, goes all wrong?

On what is supposed to be a day of chocolate, kisses and love, instead, I ruined it all. My husband told me I should rest; I got offended. Why? Because I was sure of my plan. I already had it all road-mapped out. I had determination in my eye and resolve in my footing. So, when he essentially said, “Chill out,” everything in me wanted to protest. Which I did do…by the way (not that I am proud of it).

Offense and defensiveness are easy, aren’t they? We feel so entitled to hold on to our anger, our reasoning and our way. People just don’t get it!

At the same time, the other side of me knew: to be in offense delivers me straight out of abiding-connection with Jesus Christ and the empowering nature of the Holy Spirit.

“Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. That’s why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God.” (Romans 8:5-8 NLT)

Offense is actually hostile, not only to my husband, but directly to God. Not only that, but it hinders me from effectively being controlled and led by the Holy Spirit. I can’t love people as well. I don’t bring peace. I am not led by the Spirit into things of life and purpose. I am not controlled or directed by the Holy Spirit. I am unpleasing to God.

Have you been crippled by offense? Has someone thrown you off track? Might you consider forgiving them for the greater gain of God? For the increase of being led by Him? No one is perfect. We are not and neither are they.

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34 NLT)

I have found out, the hard way, it is impossible to follow God when I am following my own emotions. I cannot successfully go forward by my own flesh, when only the Spirit leads to life. A mind of offense automatically supersedes the Mind of Christ.

The way of God is the only way.

Speaking of finding their way of God…there is good news!  So many who attended the “What’s My Calling” Workshop, discovered their calling. Glory to God! They heard heard from God  and got wisdom in walking in His ways.

If you wanted to attend — but did not sign up in time, it is not too late. You still may purchase the recorded version of “What’s My Calling?” by clicking here. I am confident you gain insight and clarity by attending.

Also, I got to thinking….maybe some of you already know your calling (to be a great mom, leader, businesswoman, non-profit leader). Maybe you just need encouragement not to give up and not to give in the enemy. I am putting together a “Encouragement to Love” support and prayer night. This will be a night of wisdom on how to fight the schemes of the enemy as we seek to love God and others. During this special night, experience encouragement in breakout groups and personalized prayer support. The cost is $25 which will help cover platform fees and will also be a personal blessing to me and my family. Even if you are still seeking God in your calling, this will be a great event for you! Find yourself surrounded by personal support and with sisters who love you.

Come join us!

I expect this to be a super encouraging night! We will hear mini-messages, breakout in support groups and receive personal prayer.

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