
Extraordinary in the Ordinary

All of us love hearing stories of miraculous healings. Our hearts are stirred when we hear about impossible situations being beautifully restored. We get inspired by people exhibiting supernatural strength and endurance when pushed to their absolute limits.
Truthfully, I’m a junkie for these kinds of things. Being a writer, I’m always on the lookout for powerful, moving stories for inspiration and ideas.
When we read about the miracles Jesus performed while He walked among us, they fuel our faith and give us hope when things seem hopeless. 
But we have to remember that not every miracle was accepted or celebrated. Remember when Jesus healed on the sabbath and got the religious leaders all riled up. And when the disciples carried on His healing ministry, sometimes those miracles got them into trouble as well. 
Today I read the story in Acts 14 where Paul and Barnabas healed a man in Lystra who had been crippled since birth. Paul saw in this man’s eyes that he was ready for healing and simply told him to stand. The man immediately stood up and started walking around like he had been walking his entire life.
The crowd went nuts! Can you imagine! I mean witnessing that in real life, seeing someone healed on the spot, would truly be life-changing.
Yet when the crowd tries to turn Paul and Barnabas into gods because of this incredible miracle, Paul stops them in their tracks and says basically, “Whoa, wait a minute! Yes, this is a miracle, but God performs miracles every single day in your life. He brings rain for crops and blessings every day. You just miss them in the ordinary routines of life.” (Read the story in Acts 14)
Paul’s words still ring true for us today, God reveals himself by being extraordinary in the ordinary.
God breaks through our lives in the tiny, ordinary parts of our days. He’s just as present in the routine as He is on the mountaintop. God doesn’t wait to show up just for the big stuff. He’s smack dab in the little things as well. 
Honestly, I can get caught up in the dramatic. I want the big, miraculous reminders that God is in control, the “this can’t be explained any other way than God” kind of moments. I’ve had some of those in my life, and they’ve been truly life-changing. When I share them at events, years later I am still moved to tears as I think about how deeply I was moved by the presence of God.
But, and this is a very big but for most of us, what about the presence of God in our daily routine? What about the repetitive parts of our lives that seem to have no eternal significance? What about the mundane?
The Good News of the Gospel is that there is extraordinary in the ordinary waiting to be discovered by each of us.
As I look out my window and see all the snow, instead of thinking about how tired I am of winter and how annoyed I am by the cold, I realize there is a miracle waiting for me to behold. The snow is nourishing the ground and providing water for the grass and flowers that I so love in the summertime. The snow is paving the way for the miracle of spring.

As I look at my dogs sleeping at my feet, I am amazed at their extraordinary love for me. They bring so much joy to the ordinary, mundane parts of my life.
As I reflect on some big dreams that my husband and I are anxiously awaiting some answers on right at this very minute, I realize that God will be there in the yes or the no. However this situation turns out, whether in a miraculous yes or a disappointing no, God will not be absent. He is ever present, and He is there to be praised and obeyed.
Yes, let’s believe in miracles! Yes, let’s continue to trust that God can and does heal in mighty ways! Let’s absolutely continue to pray for impossible situations to be turned around! 
But let’s not forget that miracles are present in the everyday routine of our lives as well because God is with us, and that’s a miracle in itself!
When we choose to look at life through that lens, it will enable us to discover the extraordinary in the ordinary!
Hugs and love,

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A living “Energizer Bunny,” Jill has a zest for life that is contagious! With humor and honesty, she shares her personal struggles and how God showed up in the midst of them. Through her songwriting, speaking and writing, she is simply a friend telling her story, hoping it will touch your heart, encourage you in your struggles and inspire you to keep reaching for your full potential. Her spiritual insights are relatable, insightful, and can be practically applied to your life.
Jill is a Nashville recording artist and recently released her 6th CD entitled “Twelve, the Freedom Soundtrack.” She has opened for the legendary Loretta Lynn and Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys), performed a duet with NewSong, and sang the national anthem for President Bush and 11,000 people when he was in Sioux City. Jill has also performed at the legendary Bluebird Café in Nashville.
Jill realized a dream when she was named one of the new Voices of Women of Faith and will be serving the organization by leading worship, speaking, and writing.
Jill is also a certified speaker, coach and teacher with the John Maxwell Team and has written the first ever theme song for the John Maxwell Team.
Jill also writes a weekly blog and has written her first book, “Grace Finds Wings – A Journey in Song.” In her book, Jill shares the stories behind the songs on her CD, “Grace Finds Wings,” and finds ways to touch your heart and help you discover grace in things like infertility, adoption, divorce, financial struggles, marital infidelity and loss.
Jill and her husband, John, have four grown sons and live in the cornfields of Iowa with their two male rescue dogs. Jill is anxiously waiting for some daughters-in-law and grandbabies so she can get a little estrogen in her family!