
Hardcore Metal Band Earth Groans Releasing Second EP Of 2020

The Solid State Records’ signed hardcore metal band Earth Groans will be releasing their second EP of 2020 (and fourth total), called Waste. It is the heavier of the two EPs that Earth Groans promised fans would hear in 2020. The first EP, Prettiest of Things, was released in March 2020 with five songs that included more melodic elements including clean vocals/singing. Waste will also be five songs in length, but of much heavier material both musically and lyrically, including a feature from Impending Doom’s Brook Reeves. The lead single, “Shatter,” is out now.

Earth Groans’ debut EP Renovate was well-received by hardcore fans during its release in 2016, with it’s unique approach to hardcore music. The sound is jostling, the vocals are confrontational, the notes are often off-time, and the arrangements are chaotic it[…]