
Having Ears to Hear

“Son, clean your room.”

Dead air.

“Son, clean your room.”

Dead air.

“Son, do you hear me??? Clean your room.”

“Oh mom, did you say something to me?”

“Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.” (Mt. 13:9 NLT)

Did you know that even as grown adults we can actually hear, but not listen?

It happens to me too, when I am thinking about other things, when I have my own solution in mind or when I am in a rush. Other times, I’m so used to what is being said words lose meaning.

Ya, ya, ya, I know that already.

We can do this with God’s Word too. We can hear, but not listen. Read, but not understand.

Recently, I realized this sort of thing was hurting me. I was reading God’s promises, but not believing. I was holding tight to prayer, but not believing God would show up. I was worrying and stressing more than knowing and trusting in God’s help.

The result was I began to hold on to my natural circumstances more than God’s truth. Do you find yourself there right now?

This can easily happen when we hear but don’t listen, internalize but don’t understand, what God is trying to say to us.

Never allow God’s Word to get ordinary. When His Word gets ordinary we forget God is a God of extraordinary break-through. We revert back to our own plans.

At this past Breakthrough Retreat, we honed in on the power of God’s Word. We activated truth in our life. We restored faith in a God who shows up. We gained fresh hope, even in the places of our wait. We covered practical ways to stand firm, steady and strong even in the midst of a hard time. We put together an action plan to have courage in the midst of a storm.

If you are still interested in attending the Breakthrough Retreat it is not too late. You can join me for Breakthrough Retreat via Zoom (via the recorded version, $29).

Allow the truth of God to become your truth!

Prayer: God, help me. Help your Word to become my words. Help your truth to fill my mind. I ask for your Holy Spirit to renew my mind. I do not want to conform to the world around me. I want to be transformed by you. I ask for fresh faith, hope and love for others. Renew me and restore me. Give me a love for your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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