
Help to Get Back Up

Are you between a rock and a hard place?

This is how I feel right now. Without going into details, I am facing what looks to be an impossible situation. I am facing a deadline that is quickly approaching… Nothing in the natural looks promising…

Will God breakthrough?
Can He really show up?
Am I going to be okay?

The Israelites faced a similar situation.  In the wilderness, God humbled them and tested them in this place. Why? “To teach (them) that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” (Deut. 8:3)

Every. Word.

This means: I do not rely on me (my answers, my opinions, my track, my plan, my worries, my fears, my timelines), but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.

Yes. Every Word. Meaning, God will see forth every word He says. God will do what He says He will do. His promises are not a maybe or a possibility, but a yes and an Amen.

The Israelites could not make food for their own eating.  Our bread of life comes from Jesus, and Jesus alone. The Israelites could not force themselves into their own Promised Land. It is the grace of Jesus that brings us into places of God.

It’s a Christ-alone life. By His grace. By His price. By His Word. By God’s plan.

At some point we get to the place where we say: God I can’t do it anymore!!! And, by goodness, I think this is exactly where He wants us.

“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.” (Mt. 5:3 MSG)

What would it look like for Christ’s rule to overpower our rule? What might it look like for the promises of God to transcend our natural view of our life?

For me? It looks like reciting aloud God’s promises. It looks like praying for faith. It looks like worshipping when I feel like crying.

Only when we get to the end of us do we begin to understand the all-surpassing greatness of our glorious, just-on-time, providential God.

Do you need encouragement to get through all you are facing? If you want to rely more on God’s power than your own…if you need hope and refreshment…if you are not sure how you will make it…if you need to be reminded about how faithful our God is…consider joining me for the Breakthrough Retreat via Zoom on May 15 from 10 AM – 1 PM ET. The cost is $29. Join live or get the recorded version post-event.

Through worship, prayer, teaching and time together gain fresh strength to persevere and endure until God delivers you, one way or another!

Join me. 

Prayer: God, I can’t. I just can’t do things on my own. I can’t find my own way. I can’t do everything right. I give up and give in to you. You are my Deliverer. You are my hope. You are my Bread of Life. You are The Door. You are The Way. You are the King of Kings. May I stop looking at me and my problems and start looking at you. You are The Way. I love you. I need you. Come rescue me today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



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