
No Appreciation

Have you ever poured out all the gory details of your heart to someone? And, you get a blank stare…
Or, shown up with an amazing gift for a friend? Yet, they don’t say thank you…
Maybe you were thoughtful and intentional? And no one notices…
Patient and kind? You get no appreciation…

What do you do — when what you do is not recognized?

As a mom, I pour out a lot, yet my kids aren’t knocking down my door to say thank you. As a wife, I try to give a lot, but moments pass and it seems ordinary. I always want to bless people, but I’m not sure how much they notice.

These feelings of doing and not being seen make me ask myself — who am I doing it for anyway? God or man?

And, what’s my goal? Getting recognized by man or giving thanks to God for ALL He has done for me?

Sometimes, I seek the applause of man.

“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Gal. 1:10)

One cannot serve two masters. To please man is to lose complete servanthood to Christ. This convicts me. I don’t want to gain man’s credit at the expense of God’s pleasure. I want to bring my Father overwhelming joy, all the time!

What about you?

Prayer: Father, thank you that you have withheld man’s praises in my life. I see that you do this for my good. I see that, in this place, I am reminded to put all my trust in you. Man cannot give me what you give. Man’s praise is fleeting, while your love and rewards are eternal. I thank you that serving you is the best gift of my life. May all I do be a living testimony unto your glory. You are amazing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Think: How is God practically calling you to depend on His pleasure rather than man’s approval? He will give you the grace to walk this out!

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