

Good health for people of all ages is essential for the well-being of communities. When children are well, they can go to school. When teachers are in good health, they can teach. When doctors are fit, they can heal, educate and prevent illness. However, vulnerable communities around the world need essential health assistance so their communities can flourish. With the help of people like you, Global Ministries Global Health has provided life-saving interventions to over one million newborns, children, adolescents and adults in many vulnerable communities around the world.

As the lead agency for the UMC’s Abundant Health Initiative, Global Ministries’ Global Health unit is dedicated to promoting good health to those at risk by strengthening health systems and building health resilience among some of the world’s most fragile communities. The vision of abundant health for all focuses on efforts to promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being through community-based programs in the United States and overseas. To achieve their vision, Global Health partners with thousands of communities and health workers to provide support to over 300 United Methodist hospitals and clinics.

With your gift, you are assisting economically vulnerable communities to protect children and disadvantaged adults from preventable causes of death and disease. Your gift will help:

  • bolster partner hospitals and clinics by training staff, repairing and renovating buildings, and providing medicines and other essential resources;
  • prevent, treat, and cure complications of pregnancy and deadly diseases like dysentery, typhoid, malaria and HIV and AIDS; and
  • provide families and clinics with access to clean water and hygiene and sanitation to protect against diseases like cholera, Ebola, and COVID-19.

Be there for those in need with your gift to Global Health today.


The post SUPPORT THE WORK OF GLOBAL HEALTH appeared first on CCM Magazine.