
Watch ‘The Chosen’ Series Episodes 1 – 4 FREE!

Los Angeles, CA (July 4, 2019)
Yesterday The Chosen Productions and VidAngel hosted a livestream of Episodes 1-4 of The Chosen for free!

If you joined us, thank you so much! We hope you enjoyed it!

If you missed it, you can still watch all 4 episodes of The Chosen free this July 4th weekend.

Please let your friends/family know they can check out all four episodes FREE HERE!

Episode 1 begins at the 16:45 mark in the video.


Simon Peter

Share that link with others, and check it out below!

You can check out the CCM article on the story behind the crowdfunding effort for The Chosen HERE!

Facts about The Chosen
In late 2017, The Chosen Productions, partnering with distributor VidAngel, released an 18-minute concept pilot in social media to gauge potential public interest in creating a series called The Chosen, which was ultimately seen by more 20 million people. Audiences having been raving about the credits, which are 8-minutes long and list the investors who have backed the project.