
What’s Revealed gets Healed.

The 3rd grade girls in my class played together; I sat on the recess tarmac, twiddling my thumbs. Maybe someone would ask me to play, I hoped. Maybe, I’d be included.  Gaining courage, I got up and tried to insert myself into the jump rope group.  As I tripped over the jump rope, I was sure they didn’t to play with me. I could tell they didn’t like me. I headed back to the curb.

 What’s wrong with me? I’m not wanted. I’m not good enough.

What plagued me back then, is what tries to plague me today: shame.

Kelly, you’re not good enough. You’re not like everyone else…

But, God destroys shame, if we let Him. He annihilates old-yokes, if we bring them to Him. He removes old pain, when we come to Him.

We must not allow our heart to grow cold, and icy. Shame wants to remove us from the warmth of love, whereas the love of Christ brings us to it.

You know, my driveway got icy this week. Where many houses found their ice melting in the light of the sun that was cast on it, my driveway remained in the darkness of shade, and remained icy. What stays in the darkness won’t melt. Likewise, when we keep the shame of yesterday in the dark, it will keep presenting itself as pain in today.

There is another option though. Remember: what is revealed to the Sun, is healed by His light. What is brought to the forefront is confronted and handled. What is undone in front of the Master, gets mastered by His love and glory.

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Cor. 3:18)

I’ve seen this happen to me. What is revealed to Jesus is healed by His love.

Are you ready for healing? Are you ready to confront the lingering shame under the icy veneer you keep-up? Who has time for masks anymore? Isn’t it time you, stop pretending, hiding and excusing?

God prompted my heart to create a 2-Part “Breakthrough Workshop Series.”  In these 2-sessions, we will overcome shame and fear by His love and grace. By holding hands, by being vulnerable, by sharing our stories and prayerfully stepping into a new future, I know God will do something remarkable in every heart. Are you ready for a new thing. I want you to be there. I believe this will change your life. Stop looking back and start looking ahead to all God has for you.

This event is in just 2-weeks. If you feel it on your heart to attend — don’t delay or deny the prompting — reserve your spot today. I am confident your heart will be blessed. God is so faithful.

Sign up today.

2 Days & Multiple-ways to Attend (via live/recorded ZOOM):
1. Live Breakthrough Workshop 1 (Practices to Defeat Shame) – Sat. Feb 5, 10:00 AM -12 PM ET
2. Live Breakthrough Workshop 2 (Maintaining Fearlessness) – Tue. Feb 8, 6:30-8:30 PM ET
3. Recorded version  – Both events will be sent post-event.
Register now!

The morning retreat cost is $19. I lowered the price (while covering costs), to help as many people attend as possible!

The post What’s Revealed gets Healed. appeared first on Purposeful Faith.