
When People Don’t Listen To You

Last night, I shared with my daughter, “Sometimes, I speak and you do not answer me at all. Sometimes I share something important and you don’t even listen.”

Frankly, these words I spoke to her were charged with pent-up frustration. You see, I have a short window to share wisdom with these children, and then they’re out in the big world, fending for themselves. I want them to hear what they need to know, before what they see is temptation, they don’t know what to do with.

Is this issue rooted in fear versus faith? Likely.

In any case, it’s been happening a lot in the car. I often get the reply of, “Mommy, I just want to look out the window.” Or, “Mom!!!!” My husband doesn’t speak up for me when it happens. So, I feel unloved, unheard, and unvalued when this happens.

Have you ever been there? Have you ever felt unheard and unvalued by those you love? Do you have important things to communicate that are overlooked at home or in the marketplace? Does it aggravate you?

It can be uber-frustrating and it can feel very personal when people don’t care what you have to say. I understand.

Do you want to know my daughter’s reply? She said, “Mom? Often, I don’t even hear you.”


Many times, when we’re offended, people are oblivious. Our feelings have no meaning when misunderstanding is involved. To us? We’re furious. To them? Oblivious. Misunderstanding, then, opens an enemy door in the heart of the offended one. The enemy of our soul seeks to make, us, the offended ones – more offended!

The only way out of misunderstanding is — conversations. Clarification. Asking. Understanding. Seeking. Listening.

In my case, my daughter didn’t mean to hurt me; she was just in her own world.

Yet, will there be other times when people don’t listen — and they should? How will I respond? How will I continue forward without harboring unforgiveness or anger? Without opening a door to the enemy who is trying to make me more offended?

This verse is something I can stand on: “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ro. 15:5-6 NIV)

Even when others don’t hear me, God wants me to hear His ever-flowing encouragement. He also wants to empower me with endurance to win, by the power of love. Through prayer, I am not left without God’s enduing-power to love, anyway. When I look to Him, above them, I get the help I need.

Not only that, but when I look to Him, above them, it prohibits the distraction of them to steal the joy of Him. I stay my mind with God, rather than getting it in the weeds of offense.

This is powerful. I do not fear man; I fear God.

We are powerful when you turn to conversations and intercession. Do not grow weary in prayer and well doing. God’s love for us will not fail, even when it feels that man’s love is failing us. Be encouraged.

Prayer: Father God I pray that you, “the God who gives endurance and encouragement” will give each and every reader the endurance to love and to forgive. I pray that we not walk by the spirit of offense so prevalent in today’s world, but that we walk by the Spirit of power, love and a sound mind. I pray that we will have the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ had. Christ laid down His life. God? Help us to lay down our lives too. Help us to love as Jesus loved. Unify your body, Father God. Help us to love with one mind and one voice. In this, we will honor you, Father God, rather than being distracted with quibbles. Help us. We need you. We trust you and we receive today, your enduing endurance power. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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