Yours Are The Eyes Through Which Christ Looks With Compassion On The World
“Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion for them because they were troubled and helpless.” _—_Matthew 9:36, CEB
In this scripture, Jesus had compassion on the crowd because he knew they were hungry and thirsty. The feeding of the five thousand was the natural outcome of his compassion. It was the result of the manifestation of the kingdom of God and its righteousness. The disciples tried to evade their responsibility, but Jesus asked them to give the crowd something to eat.
There are numerous examples of Jesus, being moved with compassion, asking us to feed, shelter and love his people. Jesus knew very well that the people who followed him were not saints and they did not follow him purely for spiritual reasons. He also knew that very often they were in that situation because the good things in life were taken away from them by those who are powerful positions. Despite this, he still asked the disciples to watch over his sheep.
We have the power to step in and walk alongside our brothers and sisters during their hours of greatest need. A donation to provide the basic needs of safety, shelter, clean water, food, medical care and hope for the future is achievable through the ministries of Global Ministries, the worldwide mission and development agency of The United Methodist Church.
Now through the end of year, Global Ministries invites you to support their year-end giving campaign. Global Ministries connects the church in mission through evangelism and church growth, missionaries, global health and disaster response and recovery. They have established partnerships around the world that enables them to provide mission in places many agencies are unable to reach. These partnerships were formed because of you – through your donations, your prayers, your service and your time.
When you give, you are seeing needs and showing compassion to some of the most marginalized families and communities in some of the most underserved placed in the world. Your donation will help:
Strengthen health systems and build health resilience among some of the world’s most fragile communities.
Bolster partner hospitals and clinics by training staff, repairing and renovating buildings, providing medicines and other essential resources and providing access to clean water and hygiene and sanitation to protect against diseases.
Supporting missionaries who are pastors, pilots, teachers, medical workers, church planters, engineers, social workers and more and are evangelizing through mission initiatives; addressing diseases of poverty and global health; and responding to natural and civil disasters.
Meeting the needs of survivors during every phase of disaster – from the short-term, early response to the long-term, holistic assistance that survivors need to rebuild their lives.
Every contribution makes a difference in this important work. Today, make mission-funding gifts through the year-end campaign at For additional information, contact
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