
Just a Word From God Can Change it All

One word from God has the power to change: everything.

I’m serious. And, one word from God has the power to change: everything in your life.

The question is – will we allow His Word to change us? Will we make space enough for our mind to receive His Word as our word? Or, will the busyness of life, the distractions of the internet, the hustle of the day’s routine, the worries and cares of today — crowd it out?

This morning, I flipped open the bible. I don’t know how I landed on this exact page, at this exact time, other than it being God’s doing, but there I was – staring face-to-face with words that had real power to change my entire relationship with my kids.

These words from God came as a direct answer to what was only a hope and possibly a prayer. The words were:

“Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].” (1 Cor. 13:7 AMPC)

Friends, I have a horrible bad-habit… I tend to believe the worst about family members, before I believe the best. I tend to think they have done something wrong, before I offer them the benefit of the doubt. I tend to speak judgment before extending grace or understanding their why.

I just react! I don’t hope in all circumstances, I point out what is wrong. I respond emotionally, in many cases.

Why do I do this? Perhaps, it was because of a message that came through to me as a child: “Kelly, you can’t trust anyone!”

But, this is not God’s message to me – so it has to go!

What messages came to you, as a child, that have to go?

The Word of God speaks loud and bold redirection. This morning, it said to me, “Kelly, believe the best,” and you will see your relationships change.

God’s Word has all power to transform our lives – if we let it, if I own it, receive it, make room for it, understand it, dwell on it, yield to it and seize it. The Word of God discerns the thoughts and intentions of heart (Heb 4:12). It radically divides soul and spirit. It bridges the gap between our bad habit repeated over and over again and God’s Word realized in our lives.

But, many of us just get it’s message in the morning, but don’t live it in the afternoon.
Many of us connect with God only to feel worried and anxious later.
Many of us have memorized His Word, but we hardly live it.

How do we allow His truth to own us, drive us and propel us so much so that we are walking testimonies, full of Holy Spirit power for the cause of Christ?

We encounter God in His Word.

Join me for an “Encounter God in His Word” Workshop Night.

During this 1.5-hour session, you will:

1. Learn practical prayers and tips to encounter God through The Word of God.
2. Hold on to The Word of God that has the power to change your life
3. Discover how to create daily habits to put God first.
4. Glean wisdom from the Word and wield the Sword of the Spirit that demolishes strongholds.

Attend via Zoom (or get the recorded version) on Mar 16, 7:00 PM Eastern Time.

The cost is $25, which covers administrative costs and is also a blessing to Kelly & Purposeful Faith. Click here to attend.

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